Art & dESIGN
At Sandwich Junior School children are taught to express themselves by being creative throughout a range of mediums within the realm of art, craft and design, with access to drawing, painting and sculpture materials to facilitate their mastery of techniques. Art is not just a 'stand-alone' subject, but one that is taught passionately by weaving opportunities throughout a wide range of cross-curricular links within our broad and balanced curriculum offering where teaching is sequenced and progressive in nature.
By the end of their Key Stage 2 journey at our school, children have explored a wide range of artistic techniques which are celebrated across the displays within the school. Not only this, pupils study and research timelines of famous artists throughout history (both past and modern) which include architects and designers. Where applicable, technology is used to capture photography and to design or edit work using class ipads. In addition, they have access to their own sketch books to record their observations which are used to plan, review and revisit ideas; embedding understanding further whilst empowering the children with the confidence to express themselves by being both experimental and imaginative with their creations.
art design mission statement .pdf
whole school art curriculum map 2022.pdf
Across the year groups, different vocabulary is introduced as a new topic is covered. Each year, the vocabulary evolves to provide a broad and balanced offering to expand the depth of understanding. Vocabulary choices build upon the previous year and may link to a particular artistic study. Such vocabulary is modelled and encouraged to be used within verbal explanations and written notations within the Art and Design sketch books when developing or reviewing ideas. Examples of vocabulary include names such as 'Pablo Picasso', 'Cubism' (one of his artistic styles) and 'modern art'.
Art skills have linked to a number of subjects throughout the school: botanical art used in Science; still life study through Science; scientific clay representations using design in Science; use of colour to evoke mood through music; wellbeing through outdoor artistic activities; representation of light by designing flames in R.E.; British History Week with Pointillism techniques, marbling inks, album inspired artwork, art created with lyric stimuli; historical sketches; scientific illustrations; prayer mat designs in R.E.; abstract noun islands; PSHE virus posters using art and design (including coverage on bullying and road safety).
To add to this extensive list of opportunities, we as a school invite in local artists to work alongside the children to embed skills and show the passion for Art and Design in the wider community. Pupils have thoroughly enjoyed these workshops which have allowed them to express themselves with various mediums at Key Stage 2 and occasionally art exhibitions have been held where the work can be seen by all in addition to our yearly whole school Open Afternoon.