Themed Weeks
Every child at Sandwich Junior School adores our themed weeks – each year they provide an opportunity to immerse themselves within an era, culture or subject, with fun activities all tailored to the topic often with a chance to dress up and show off their creativity and imagination.
British History Week
Each year group focuses in on a different decade of British history, discovering about iconic events, famous people of the time, the clothing people wore, the music they listened to and the lives of the children of that age. Many pupils enjoy talking to parents and grandparents to hear their experiences of living through the era, giving children a fascinating insight into a time period that they could not possibly imagine.
On the final day of the week, children are invited to come into school wearing clothing or costumes that reflect any aspect of the decade.
Year 3: 1950’s
Year 4: 1970’s
Year 5: 1980’s
Year 6: 1960’s
Maths Week
Multi-Cultural Week
The focus of this week is on locations within the British Commonwealth, with each year group learning about a chosen country, discovering about the lives of the local people, interesting locations, traditional music, regional climate and possibly even some tasting of food from the area. The week gives children plenty of opportunity to practise their use of maps, whilst being immersed by the culture and traditions of the country.
On the final day of the week, children are invited to come into school wearing clothing or costumes that reflect any aspect of the country.
Year 3: The West Indies
Year 4: India
Year 5: Canada
Year 6: Malaysia
Reading Week
This week celebrates our love of reading, involving lots of fun activities all based on a plethora of books and promoting a wide range of reading of as many genres as possible. Each year group has its own tailored curriculum throughout the week, including opportunities for children to share their impressions of their favourite books, whilst discovering new possibilities to pick up and read. One of the tasks children are challenged with includes dressing up a potato as one of their favourite book characters.
On the final day of the week, children are invited to come into school wearing pyjamas and dressing gowns in order to make themselves comfortable for plenty of reading.
Science Week
Looked forward to by all, Science Week excites every single pupil in the school into a love of the subject. The entire week is focused on performing scientific investigations and learning about famous scientists. Children are encouraged to design tests, hypothesise, develop methods, carry out scientific processes, collate results and draw conclusions, whilst being wowed by the magic of science. The pinnacle of the whole week is Science Day, when real scientists take over the school, presenting a different scientific workshop in each classroom to blow the children’s minds and give them experiences that they will remember forever. Not one to miss!
Shakespeare Week
During this week, we celebrate the wonderful works of William Shakespeare and introduce the children to the rich language and entertaining stories of the prolific playwright. Upper School and Lower School each study a different Shakespeare play, using role-play to understand the events of the story and delving deeply into the roles of the characters and the meaning behind the language. Children enjoy all of the opportunities to take part in reading, writing and drama which this week provides, whilst nurturing an enthusiasm and interest in the culturally rich literature of William Shakespeare.