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Governors carry out their duties conscientiously under the leadership of an astute chair. They visit the school regularly to see how well pupils are learning. (OFSTED)

A school can have between 9 and 20 governors who are collectively known as the governing body. The governing body works with the staff to develop the vision, values and ethos of our school. They support and challenge the school to continuously review, evaluate and develop its systems and provision to enable all pupils to achieve the very best education in a safe and secure environment and consequently achieve all they are capable of.

Sandwich Junior School Governing Body is made up of 12 members as follows:

  • 3 Parent Governors, who are elected by and from parents of children at the school 
  • 1 Staff Governor, who is elected by the staff from among the teachers and non-teaching staff at the school
  • 1 Local Authority Governor, appointed by the Local Authority panel
  • 6 Co-Opted Governors chosen by the rest of the governing body as a result of a skills audit.
  • The Headteacher

All Governors complete a Register of Business and Pecuniary Interests on appointment, and update it annually in Term 1 of each academic year.

Governors have wide-ranging expertise and participate in training to enhance their skills. (OFSTED)

Governors at Sandwich Junior School:


Governor Type Governor Committee and Designations Start Date End Date Business and Pecuniary Interests
Mark Carbeck

Co-Opted Governor



18/10/2021 17/10/2025


Katie Reeves

Parent Governor

Vice Chair


01/10/2021 30/09/2025
Sarah White

 Co-Opted Governor 

Vice Chair

Quality of Education 

14/12/2020 13/12/2024
Hannah Bellingham

Parent Governor

Personal Development

Martin Dyson



Nicola Glenister

Staff Governor

Health and Safety

30/11/2021 29/11/2025
Glen Hodge



Disadvantaged 18/10/2021 17/10/2025

Pfizer Employee &


Rebecca Pearce




18/10/2021 17/10/2025


Nakita Rossouw

Parent Governor


Quality of Education



Current Vacancy



Governor Attendance Record 2023/24


governor attendance record 2023 24.pdf


Our Values

At Sandwich Junior School, the pupils and staff uphold our Core Values, which are at the centre of our school ethos and all that we do. They were first established by the pupils of our school, who chose specific animals that they felt represented the values and attitudes they should show every day, at school and at home:

The Wolf

Working together as a Wolf Pack, we are a community. Helping peers in difficult times, and celebrating our successes.

The Salmon

We always try our best – showing resilience, we never give up. We are always striving to reach the top and take risks with learning, as that is when we make our biggest leaps forward.

The Eagle

Aiming high to achieve the best we can be, and soaring high to reach our potential.

The Dolphin

When children enjoy their learning, they will achieve more.