Welcome to our school. Our aim is to provide every child with both the academic and emotional tools they need for learning and to infuse them with a lifelong love of acquiring both knowledge and new skills.
Our Core Values of the Wolf, the Eagle, the Dolphin and the Salmon are visual metaphors for the aspects of learning which we hold dear:
The Wolf represents the value of community at all levels and teamwork to achieve a common goal. The school aims to give children as many opportunities as possible to interact with their local community.
We believe that our pupils are also given the tools and learning possibilities to become fully fledged Global citizens, aware of issues beyond just their own locality and able to discuss subjects with emotional intelligence.
The Eagle represents an aspiration to achieve the greatest potential which we can and to take pride in reflecting upon our work and 'flying high' in our learning.
The Dolphin is indicative of how all learning should be enjoyable and imbue us with a sense of discovery and pleasure.
The Salmon is an exemplar of the value of both physical and emotional resilience and how we should value the difficult aspects of learning even more than those parts which we instantly excel at.
These values are also underpinned by the explicit and implicit teaching of the value of Diversity within both the society around us and also further afield (both present and historical). We appreciate and value the contributions to our lives of those from every faith and culture, regardless of gender, race, colour, religion or sexuality.
In addition to these Core Values, we, as a school, also place an enormous amount of value on the concepts of Integrity and Honesty; Equality for all (both inside and outside of school); and the concept of Democracy in creating a just and fair environment. These are the cornerstones of British Values and are taught throughout the school, woven into the fabric of many subjects.
As pupils progress through the school they will gain a clearer and progressive understanding of these terms.
This is also indicative of how the school aims to develop children who have a rich and varied knowledge of vocabulary to give them a toolkit for both writing and discussion, immersed as they are in our language and text rich school environment. This is underpinned by putting reading at the centre of everything we do, exemplified by both the curriculum and our provision of access to the written word. Our library has an enormous range of materials, representing again our approach to diversity and the development of reading for pleasure. We celebrate reading in all its forms from non-fiction to fiction and graphic novels to classics. We also celebrate and encourage reading through a wide variety of extra-curricular events and enrichment opportunities.
Finally, and crucially in our minds, we aim to provide our pupils with as many opportunities as we can to both demonstrate their own talents and also to participate in cultural experiences which broaden their understanding of the world around them and foster new loves.